Oct 29, 2021
A client had three major cardiac surgeries within a month. Now, several weeks later, she still has numbness in her legs. What in the world is going on? And can massage help?
Join me for a search for how cardiac surgery and nerve damage intersect, and hear what happens for this lucky client!
Oct 28, 2021
Any muscle that is named after a geometric shape is bound to have issues. For the rhomboids, this shows up in the same way that a people pleaser tends to spread themselves too thin. They always want to give and don’t have the easiest time...
Oct 26, 2021
In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Darren and Kristin sit down with Qiana Thompson to discuss how she cracked the code to a six-figure practice by being herself, becoming a business consultant to help a new generation of massage therapists gain clarity, and how she helps others reimagine their business to reflect...
Oct 22, 2021
I’ve seen several requests for guidance about working with clients who have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) lately. This genetic connective tissue disease creates symptoms that look like ordinary musculoskeletal injuries, but they’re not—this is why some doctors call people with EDS their “zebra patients”—as...
Oct 19, 2021
Tell a stranger that you talk to yourself, and you’re likely to get written off as eccentric. But the truth is, we all have a voice in our head. When we talk to ourselves, we often hope to tap into our inner coach but find our inner critic instead. In this episode, Dr. Ethan Kross, author of the book...